7 Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection and how to prevent it.

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 How I can know if I have a yeast infection? We tell you what symptoms to help you detect a possible vaginal yeast infection, tricomomas, bacterial vaginosis or a sexually transmitted infection are.

All women will suffer at some point in our life of at least one vaginal infection, which can affect any age or whether or not we are sexually active. Must differentiate between a vaginal fluid or discharge by infection or our normal flow excrete as when we are ovulating. For pregnant women, it is common to increased secretion by hormonal changes in your state. 

 A vaginal infections are known in gynecology as vaginitis, an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa by excessive secretions that are caused by abnormal cells in our vaginal flora. 

What are the symptoms of having a vaginal infection? 

1- abundant vaginal discharge.

 2- Flow thick yellow or brown. 

 3- Vaginal Odor.

 4- Painful intimate relationships. 

5- genital itching air. 

 6- irritation and redness of the vulva.

 7- Bloodstains without menstruation or rule. 

Sometimes the presence of a white and transparent flow is mistaken for a vaginal infection, but is not, unless a strong, unpleasant odor is present. 

What are the causes of vaginal infection? 

The most common causes of vaginal infection are caused by candida, a fungus that lives in our vaginal flora in charge of regulating the pH, but for some reason it grows abundantly, which causes inflammation of the vaginal wall. 

 Bacterial vaginosis is the most common cause of vaginal infection, is characterized by secretion of an abundant flow of gray with a very unpleasant odor, which is compared with the typical smell "fishy" decaying. Their presence is not linked to sexually transmitted infections, which can affect teenage girls who have not yet started in relationships or as they are known, "virgin". 

The vaginal tricomaniasis is an infection that is transmitted by sexual intercourse with an infected person. This is caused by a parasite called Trichomonas, which produces a yellow-green discharge with a strong odor and in some cases has the appearance of lumps or grit. 

 To determine what type of infection you have, you need to visit a gynecologist / a, which will make a Pap smear or Pap test and if necessary will be done a scan your partner (if you have one).

 Treatments for vaginal infections come in the form of eggs, cream, gel or tablets should be prescribed by your doctor. Some of these medications are available at your pharmacy without a prescription, but it is not advisable to self-medicate, as it will be impossible to know if you have a serious infection such as the human papillomavirus or genital herpes. 

How I can prevent vaginal infections?

 To avoid a yeast infection, you just have to follow these 4 rules of thumb:

 1- Use a condom or condom when having sex. 

 2- Keep the air genital well sanitized and avoid douching. 

 3- Avoid using tampons.

 4- Wear cotton underwear and not too tight.

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