Get rid of kidney stones home remedies

How I can remove kidney stones? With these treatments using home remedies you can get rid of kidney stones naturally and fast way.  

What are kidney stones?renal calculus also known as kidney stones are hard particles formed by other calcium, uric acid and minerals that are properly cleared by the kidneys, which solidify to form shaped pieces of stones that can be as small as the pinpoint, but can also be as big as a marble. This condition can affect men and women equally, but its incidence in much greater in men. 

What are your symptoms? 
When kidney stones are very large, the urinary tract is obtruyen, making it nearly impossible to be eliminated in the urine, which causes severe pain in the abdominal aera, pain in the lower back or either of the two sides, inflammation the groin or testicles.The urine is dark, smelly and often accompanied by small drops of blood. In more severe cases can cause fever, nausea and vomiting. 

Why leave the kidney stones? 
The main cause of kidney stones are dehydration by drinking little water a day, but can also be caused by an infection in the urine that was not cured, use of certain drugs and genetic inheritance, ie, if one of your parents suffering from kidney stones, possibly you also have this disease. 

How do I know if I have kidney stones? 
To determine if you have stones in your kidneys, you need a medical exam where you will do a blood test to determine the values ​​of calcium and uric acid, and a urinalysis to see if it contains crystals stones and see that type are.To relieve pain, may take medication or OTC pills such as ibuprofen. 

How to remove kidney stones naturally with home remedies? 

To remove kidney stones, you can use the following home remedies, which have no side effects to your health. Note that taking the recommended 8 glasses of water will help dissolve faster. 

Home Remedy with parsley: Make an infusion with 10 sprigs parsley and two glasses of water, leave for 10 minutes ervir take temperate. Do this twice a day. Parsley contains cleansing properties and help improve digestion. 

Home Remedy Cucumber: Prepare cucumber juice estrayendo all their liquid with the help of a blender. Take two glasses a day. The cucumber is a vegetable with diuretic and moisturizing properties, plus provides the body with vitamins A, B and C.

Home Remedy Ginger: make tea with ginger root and a glass of water, take 3 see daily. Ginger is a medicinal herbs most commonly used, reduces inflammation and pain, it is also a natural atibiótico.

Home Remedy lemon and dandelion: boil a dandelion root with a cup of water when adding the lemon juice and take twice daily. Dandelion purifies the blood, removes uric acid, which is causing some kidney stones. Lemon depuras toxins from the urine.Remember to visit your doctor if you have severe pain, bleeding show the urine, if you're Dead and these pregnant.

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