Remove stretch marks after pregnancy: Home remedies and creams
How to get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy? With these treatments, home remedies and creams for skin hydration, you get rid the stretch marks of the belly (stomach) without spending much money.
For us it is very important that we recover the body before pregnancy, but the stretch marks proliferated in our abdomen and not know how to remove them without being all wages in creams. So we show these tips and home remedies, ideal for the treatment of stretch marks before and after childbirth.
Why leave stretch marks on the body?
stretch marks that appear in the body of the woman, are caused by 80% of cases of pregnancy, but can also be caused by an increase or drastic weight loss. According to scientific studies, stretch marks can be hereditary, ie if our mother was, you probably also have us.
during this process the collagen fibers are broken and if the skin is not properly hydrated, streaks of white and red color can appear.
Can completely erase stretch marks after giving birth?
Stretch marks after delivery if you can delete, but not in all cases, that depend on the state of your body before pregnancy; If you had stretch marks before pregnancy is possible that your only solution is to remove stretch marks laser.
What creams are good to remove them?
Creams made from natural oils like olive oil or rosehip and Aloe Vera creams are very good to help erase stretch marks on the stomach immediately after pregnancy, buy a super moisturizer like Nivea and add these mineral oils help reduce your white and red streaks belly.
Home remedies to remove stretch marks:
Home remedy to remove stretch marks on the belly A: Apply all over your belly Rosehip oil every night without stopping treatment.
Home Remedy to remove stretch marks B: Apply almond oil both day and night, can be blended with rosehip.
Home Remedy to remove stretch marks C: Apply natural gel of aloe vera (aloe) and pulp plant in the stretch marks.
Home Remedy to erase stretch marks D: Prepare mashed ripe avocado, carrot and lemon, apply as a mask for thirty minutes.
Home Remedy to remove stretch marks belly C: The snail slime regenerating the damaged and removed dead skin cells, is a highly recommended natural remedy for women who have taken their treatment .You can get it from a pharmacy or buy it online.
Creams containing vitamin E, are very effective to destroy the skin marks.
if you want to shorten the process leading ultimately to eliminate stretch marks after pregnancy is the Laser, is quick, painless and the results are immediate, all that is a procedure that can cost in most cases up to 2,000 dollars for all laser assignments that are required, if you have a few stretch marks is procedure to remove could be cheaper.