How to get rid of rash and hives: Home remedies & treatments

How to get rid of hives and rash fast?
we tell you how to remove those hives with the best treatments and home remedies.

 The hives are hard lumps protruding from the skin, itch and may be red or white color. In some cases cause fever hives, itching or pain and usually appear in different parts of the body such as the face, hands, legs and back.Hives are caused by allergic reactions that attack the immune system, the most common are the hives for food allergies, drug allergies, pollen, dust, exposure to sun or cold for a long time, skin irritation because of cosmetics and makeup of low quality and up to saturation stress produced by the body after much physical work.

They also often appear after the bite of an insect like ants, bees or wasps.In rare cases, allergic reactions that trigger hives cause a chain reaction throughout the body, which can causal fatal condition called anaphylaxis. The duration varies from one person to another, in some cases it can take up to six weeks or more and is known as chronic urticaria (idiopathic). Often the cause of this chronic condition is unknown and may disappear on its own after several weeks.If hives are mild, no treatment may be required may disappear by itself.To reduce itching and swelling:

1- Avoid hot baths or showers.

2- Avoid irritating the area with tight clothes.

3-Take antihistamines.Diphenhydramine is considered the most effective, but it makes some people tired. Other options include loratadine or cetirizine.These drugs can buy without a prescription at a pharmacy.

You can also use an anti-allergic body lotion to apply after disinfecting the area.

If the reaction is severe, especially if the swelling involves your throat, you may require an emergency shot of epinephrine (adrenaline) or steroids. 

Hives in the throat can block the airways, making breathing difficult.removed from your diet for a few days and derivatives refined sugars and dairy (and animal meats, which cause many toxins in the body and clog the intestines and fill the blood of impurities. 

Home remedies to remove hives and rash:
 1- Wash skin with aloe vera gel naturally. 

2-'s take apple cider vinegar 1/4 water to shower.

 3- Drink a glass of water with two tablespoons of white vinegar.

 4- Rub into hives or stings, moistened oats in water, leave for 3 minutes and remove with warm water. 


A - Avoid eating and drinking foods you produce an allergic reaction. 

B- Use a soap or body wash with neutral ph, you can ask your pharmacist what type of gel is more suitable for your skin, this according to sensitivity of your skin, natural soaps like oatmeal and aloe are good option.

 C- Remember not to shower with hot water and no tight-fitting clothing with swelling in the area.

 D- Drink lots of water to help your body liberal toxins through the urine.Avoid scratching the irritated area, as they can become infected.

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