Diarrhea is one of the most common digestive disorders. When it occurs acutely, usually very watery or liquid, white or yellow and sometimes has some blood. when you have diarrhea usually also have symptoms of dizziness, nausea, fever, stomach cramps (severe pain) and swollen belly.
The symptoms of diarrhea usually last between 2 and 4 days and the causes can be several, but the most common are the following:
* A virus, influenza virus in certain tropical countries may be accompanied by occasional diarrhea, if you have the flu and diarrhea at a time, you should not take any antibiotics, as this usually causes diarrhea and can exacerbate the problem .
* Diarrhea from food poisoning, all happened to us even once in life, having eaten too much or buy food on the street and on the half hour're in the bathroom attacked with an unstoppable diarrhea. Mayonnaise, pasta and fries precooked can cause diarrhea.
* Drinking too much alcohol such as rum can cause diarrhea.
If you diarrhea lasts more than 2 or 3 days in a row with pain, cramps and dizziness, you must go to your doctor or health care provider so that you have a test called stool stool.
When a person has diarrhea for more than two weeks (15) is called chronic diarrhea and should be treated by a specialist as you can you have a serious infection in your body and dehydration can even cause your death.
What medicines and pills take to remove and cut diarrhea?
If you have less than two days with diarrhea and no symptoms of bellyache as cramps, nausea and dizziness, diarrhea can immediately stop taking lots of water, a serum energy drink like Gatorade or buy one at the pharmacy, it is not necessary taking any medication or antibiotic.
If necessary cut the fast diarrhea medication, these are the most known and can only take them adults:
* Imodium.* Pepto - Bismol.* Diaclear.These drugs are generic and cheap, can cause side effects such as nausea and vomiting, if so deverá stop treatment and seek medical advice.
Home and natural remedies to cure diarrhea faster:
Natural remedies to prevent diarrhea Colitis.
Remedy for diarrhea # 1: To cut diarrhea there is no better remedy like LEMON, lemon is an astringent that helps regulate the flow of acid from the digestive tract, make a lemon juice without sugar and take 3 tablespoon at least twice a day.
Remedy for diarrhea # 2: Also make lemon juice and pour a few grains of salt and take two tablespoons relieve him enough pain.
Remedy for diarrhea # 3: Make a tea of cinnamon, if powder casting with a thick napkin.
Remedy for diarrhea # 4: Mix sugar with baking soda and salt in a glass of water.
What to eat if I have diarrhea?
You should eat white rice, boiled or grilled chicken, you can apregar garlic. You can also eat mashed carrots, boiled or baked potatoes, yogurt, bananas or ripe bananas. These foods will you make more solid stool.
Pregnant and diarrhea:It is very common if you are pregnant in the first months or weeks of pregnancy have diarrhea decomposition product of the stomach caused by pregnancy symptoms such as dizziness and vomiting.
Pregnant women should not be taking any medicine for diarrhea that is not prescribed by your doctor.Remember to drink lots of water and eat solid food as described above.Infants and children with diarrhea as a treat and remove:In infants under one year, it is very common to make the most watery and loose poop, especially if fed only breast. If the baby poop makes it feeds, so if you can give diarrhea and make a tea or chamomile tea.
Give the baby a little more water to avoid dehydration, diarrhea persists and has pain in his belly and made gases, consult your pediatrician.If you have changed the milk is normal to have a little diarrhea for change, in principle it is advisable to prepare a little more loose until fence adapting.
Prepare it mashed potatoes with carrots to eat.For older children, use the same procedure. Remember that if diarrhea persists long, you should visit your doctor, you can you have an acute colitis or illness care.Important!The diarrhea should be treated with care and pay close attention to your symptoms as diarrhea can very often be a symptom of a disease.