How to remove Pimples with Home remedies - treatments for acne pimples
We tell you how to remove pimples caused by acne on the face with the help of the best home remedies and treatments to make it easy and fast without spending much money.
We all know what it means to have acne, pimples and blackheads those who leave our low self-esteem and our facial skin with anything nice. But I say, these tips, learn how to remove these skin tags home remedies, creams and medicinal treatments.
Acne is a skin condition that at least 80% of the world population have suffered even once in life. It is a common condition that affects women, men and children; may appear in adolescence, but also in older adults such as women at the onset of menopause.
Acne directly affects the glands that are responsible for producing sebum on the skin, penetrate these pores via follicles as these are covered by excess fat in the skin, the appearance of annoying, ugly occurs and anti-aesthetic pimples and blackheads both the skin and other body parts such as: Back, chest and elbows.
When you have acne, people often mistakenly scratching or pinching the pimples or blackheads, leading to leave horrible scars in the worst case. To keep you from leaving sores or holes in the face or body, you should avoid tightening, otherwise worse.
The time of onset varies from person to person. Blackheads and pimples can also exit when this very stressed or when any concerns round our heads.
How to remove pimples and how to avoid them:
When you have problems with acne, the first thing is to see a specialist, in this case a dermatologist, but there are several methods of personal care that can help you improve your appearance and in case of not having prevent its occurrence.
The first thing to know is to wash your face more than twice can lead to dry skin, since soap tends to take nutrients from our skin, it is advisable to wash only twice a day and use a good moisturizer for your skin type. It is recommended to use an exfoliating soap or gel, especially those containing oatmeal and lemon.
People with oily skin are more prone to acne, due to excess fat in the skin that causes the pores to produce the appearance of pimples, blackheads, pimples and blemishes are clogged.
To remove excess fat that cause acne problems, you can use an astringent. The astringent is a solution of water and alcohol, especially used to clean impurities from the face after makeup. You can get them in beauty shops, pharmacies or buy on the web.
Anti acne creams best rated and recommended by dermatologists.
If you prefer to solve your problem of acne faster, there dermatological creams that can help. A good anti acne cream must be dermatologically tested and here we tell you which are the most purchased and recommended the united states and europe:
1 - Clean & Clear Persa Gel 10. This is the acne treatment most recommended by pharmacists also the prestigious magazine "Women's Health", appointing him as the treatment for acne counter number 1 in the world.
2 - Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti - Acne. This treatment of the renowned brand of cosmetics and beauty Neutrogena contains salicylic acid, which is an excellent anti-inflammatory to reduce, reduce swelling and redness. You can also buy the gel cleanser for oily skin.
3- Clearasil Ultra. It is a very good cream for the treatment of pimples and blackheads, is so effective that reduces the size of blackheads and pimples in just 4 hours after the first application how does? Clearasil containing 10% benzoyl peroxide, drying fat acting from the root of the grain. To start treatment should be applied sparingly to avoid that the face is dry.
is bad to wear makeup if I have acne?
Many times to disguise poor appearance that leaves acne on our face and body, we disguise his appearance with a little makeup, but if not this knowledgeable, you can worsen your situation.
The makeup you use should be dermatologically tested, if based on best natural ingredients. Choose makeup for your skin type, sure to choose well and has low fat and free of oils.
You can apply the cream acne before the base. Remember not sleep with makeup and remove with wet wipes or cotton. (Non-alcoholic). Try not to sunbathe when you have placed acne creams as they may cause burns.
Natural and home remedies to cure acne.
Home remedies are often more effective than other methods used to remove annoying and ugly blackheads and pimples on the face many times.
We recommend bringing home treatment with dermatological creams for best results.
Home Remedy for Acne 1: Squeeze the juice of one lime, a teaspoon of brown sugar and a tablespoon of liquid soap, mix and use to wash your face 2 times a day.
Home remedy for pimples 2: Eat daily two cloves of garlic, garlic help draw toxins that cause the appearance of blackheads and pimples.
Remedy to remove the grains 3: Remove the gel from the aloe vera plant, apply it as a mask every day before washing your face for 10 minutes and rinse with cold water.
Remedy to remove acne 4: apply on pimples and bumps a little toothpaste, this will make on the same day dry beans, but not put more than once a day, since sulfur containing paste teeth can burn and leave stains.
Babies with pimples on your face:
If your baby has pimples on the face, do not panic, it is very common, especially newborns.
This occurs mainly by the change in temperature, or hormonal changes due to their quick growth. These usually disappear on their own within a few weeks.
Avoid putting creams on your face and uses a soothing soap. When you give to eat seeks thoroughly clean your mouth and throat, as well as drooling be very dry skin. Prevents the baby's hand to the face takes and you might hurt.
You can use a cream containing vitamin A for discomfort.
If pimples are very swollen and his skin is irritated, you should visit your doctor.