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What is the appendix and what is its function?
The appendix is a finger-shaped organ located between the small intestine and colon, at the bottom of our right flank in the abdomen (just below the ribs).
Its role consists of being regularly bacteria that pass through the intestines to help him digest. For many centuries ago was believed that the appendix was a body that was worthless and that was just lost in the process of human evolution organ.
Today, it is known that people who have no appendix presents frequent indigestion problems and take longer to heal infections and diarrhea.
In some cases the appendix becomes blocked by constipation or a tumor abscess, which causes inflammation (appendicitis), which if not stopped in time, can become infected and literally "rot" which presents a danger of death the person who has it.
Appendicitis can affect anyone, children, adults and seniors, but has a higher incidence in ages between 11 and 30 years.
What are the symptoms of having appendicitis?
1- Severe pain in his right side and swelling above the navel. This pain is accentuated when we touch it.
2- Fever and chills.
3- Nausea and vomiting.
4- Headache.
5- prolonged constipation.
6- diarrhea for several days.
7- swelling in the belly.
In women, these symptoms can be confused with the arrival of the rule or menstruation, making it more difficult to realize in time. In pregnant women is even more difficult to diagnose and to its appearance must be removed before age 24 weeks.
If any of the above symptoms, you should see your doctor for this assess the possibility of doing an ultrasound or abdominal CT scan, where you can see if your appendix is inflamed, if you have a lump or tumor, or if it is broken .
In this case, you would be practiced emergency surgery to remove the appendix. The recovery time which depends on why they removed the body if it is an infection or tumor, recovery could be slower.