Remedies to cleanse the kidneys - Flush kidneys

Home remedies to cleanse and detoxify our kidneys with these natural juices.

The kidneys are organs whose function is to purify or filter all the toxins and bacteria in our body, expelling it through the urine. Sometimes the kidneys stop functioning properly the result of deficiencies in the immune system, such as a urinary tract infection, kidney stones, diabetes or fluid retention. 

How do I know that my kidneys need debugged?Usually when the kidneys are not working properly, we send a series of signals that are unmistakable, such as: 

1- Pain in the abdominal area and lower back.2- Itching or burning when urinating.3- urine very dark and unpleasant odor.4 small spots of blood when urinating.One of the causes of poor performance of the kidneys is dehydration; a little water intake causes toxins to build up inside, forming small particles of hard consistency known as kidney stones. 

 These are composed of calcium and excess uric acid.It is necessary that you eliminate from your diet foods that increase their obstruction such as milk and more dairy products, protein foods like chicken and reduce the consumption of fish and shellfish as they contain high amounts of uric acid.

How I can clean my kidneys naturally?If you are receiving medical treatment to remove a kidney infection or urinate, you should consult with your doctor before starting the debugging process. 

Home remedies to databases herbs, fruits and vegetables, help cleanse impurities and toxins accumulated in your kidneys.

 Home Remedy Parsley: Parsley is an herb with high diuretic, is recommended to detoxify the body and eliminate fluid retention. It is rich in vitamin A and C, its use is contraindicated in pregnant women. 

To prepare the remedy two glasses of water and 10 branches of parsley is used. It is boiled for 10 minutes and taken fasting for a week.

Home Remedy with celery and carrot: Celery has cleansing properties and anti-inflammatory, ideal for restoring vitality to your kidneys, contain potassium and sodium, idea to increase urine production and eliminate toxins.

Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A, is a potent antioxidant and helps purify the liver and kidneys, which board celery, detoxifying make a fabulous combination.

To prepare the juice, you just have to thoroughly wash your unpeeled carrots and extract the juice with a blender or grinder, do the same with celery and mesclamos both juices. Taken twice a day, preferably one fasting and one at night.Add equal amounts, if you use a carrot, you must add a celery. 

Home Remedy Ginger Root: Ginger root has antibiotic properties, reduces inflammation and relieves pain. If you have an infection in the urine or kidney stones, this home remedy will be very useful. 

To prepare we will make an infusion or tea root cutting into pieces. Then add half a liter of water and put it to boil for 10 to 15 minutes. Take preferably lukewarm.

 How to prevent kidney infection?To prevent kidney and urinary tract diseases, it is necessary that your body is well hydrated. Take the 8 glasses of water your body needs daily, consume fruits and vegetables that will provide fiber and liquids such as pineapple, watermelon, oranges and melons.Remember to avoid eating fatty foods like chocolate milk and yogurts, besides decreasing the intake of seafood.

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