Vaginal yeast infection: tablets,gels and creams to get rid vaginal infection


We tell you what treatments and drugs tablets, gels or creams to treat and remove a vaginal yeast infection are.

 Vaginal yeast infection is caused by the fungus candida, a microorganism that lives in our vaginal flora and whose function is to regulate the pH and moisture. When this fungus reproduces in large quantities product of an alteration in our body, causes an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, producing much flow and secretion.

The symptoms of vaginal infection are:

 1- abundant and thick discharge or vaginal discharge.2- Her color is white or slightly yellow.3- Produce itching and burning in the genital air.4- Bad smell.5- irritation and redness of the lips of the vulva.6- pain during sex.

To determine the cause causes you much flow odor and vaginal discharge, it is necessary that you visit a gynecologist for a Pap smear or Pap test, and show you the proper treatment as well as the results. 

To treat for vaginal yeast infection these drugs are used:

Clotrimazole 1- 2- 3- fluconazole 4- Tioconazole Miconazole and metronidazole.


These treatments come in pills (capsules), ovules, gels or creams intravaginal application. These drugs can be bought without a prescription at any pharmacy. 
For other types of infections such as bacterial vaginosis, it must be declared by your doctor who will. 
Remember, you have to know what type of infection you have to take the appropriate treatment. If you notice that the infection occurred after intercourse, you may need to test for sexually transmitted diseases to rule out any infection with papilloma virus.

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