Remedies for anxiety: Herbal teas to calm anxiety and nerves


List of the best home remedies made from herbal tea to calm nerves and anxiety quickly and easily with these herbs.

 We've all states exposed to stressful situations in our daily lives, whether for work, relationship problems or health, acute stress can cause disorders of the nervous system, which increases our anxiety level, either by eating , drinking or smoking and if we can not get the nerves to finish our moods appear.

Symptoms of a heightened state of anxiety and nerves are very similar in most people, although the percentage is higher in women than in men. These are:

1- Headaches and migraines.2- Excessive sweating.3- Feel like eating without hunger.4- Lack of sleep and concentration.5- Irritability and moodiness.

Since the nervous stress can alter our physical and mental health, it is necessary steps to remove or calm them time because they can do to lower our defenses are taken and we are likely to contágianos virus or develop diseases.

If you do not want to use drugs or pills, you can use these home remedies, which have no side effects.

Home Remedies Linden and Chamomile: linden is one of the most widely used herb to calm and relax, reduce nerves and anxiety. Also known as Tilo and is characterized by having a sedative and sleep aid. For its part chamomile also known as chamomile, have high benefits for our body, helps to improve digestion and is an excellent muscle relaxant.

Make a tea or infusion with both medicinal herbs and have a cup three times a day. (One hour before bedtime).

 Home Remedy Valerian: Valerian is a plant that acts on our core, help to sleep and relax tension nervous system. It is recommended to improve headaches and migraine. Take three cups a day.

Verbena Home Remedy: The verbena is a plant characterized by an intense aroma similar to lemon, has healing properties and you increase the defenses. Its uses in medicine are used as a sedative and sleep aid. He was also given antioxidant properties that prevent premature aging. You can have a cup of this tea not more than three times a day.

 Home Remedy St. John's wort tea: This plant also known as Hypericum, is used to treat conditions such as fatigue, nervousness, depression and anxiety. It is also used as therapy for smoking cessation, plus you increase the defenses in people with poor immune system diseases.

If your condition does not improve anxiety and nerves will need to visit a doctor, so you run tests and determine what the cause and implement appropriate treatment. If pregnant, consult your gynecologist.

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